Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday Scoliosis Marathon...

It's time for my Monday Scoliosis Marathon times (hey, that rhymes kinda!)... Drumroll please... 38 minutes and 1 second! Yay! I stayed committed 2 days in a row! So proud! Only 5 more days to go! Let’s keep moving people!

Ann Marie *>*


Ellen said...

Oh that's such a good idea! You really don't know how long I've been out of mine today. I take it off everyday for gym which is fourty five minutes. Then I toke it off at my house...for awhile. I might try doing that tomorrow maybe...I admire how you stick to it though!!! :)

Ann Marie said...

Aww thanks! Yeah I had this idea because sometimes I'm all like, I know I should put it on... but I just don't FEEL like it... :P