Wednesday, May 22, 2013

New Video Is Officially Up...

Another new video... Yep... That's about it.

Ann Marie *>*

My Brace...

So I've shown you all this advice for dealing with things that deal with your brace, but I haven't really shown you my brace (unless you watched my YouTube videos). So here it is! It's name is Pablo. I named it so that early on when I used to despise it, I could yell at it like a person. Yeah, I really have no good reason for my actions... But that's past the point! Here it is!

Okay I seriously have no idea what is up with my picture thing today. But this is Pablo. It is an Original Boston Brace. I have only ever had one brace. I know you can get it in all sorts of CRAZY patterns and such, but I was very emotional right then and did NOT want this brace to think that it was a welcome thing in my life. And I picked white because mine sometimes sticks out the top of my tank tops on the left hand side so I wanted to be able to hide that pretty easily if I were wearing a white tank top. Just ignore the blue on the bottom of it. That's just because Pablo is getting old (in brace age, he is ANCIENT) and it's because I always wear blue skinny jeans so it rubbed onto my brace.
Ann Marie *>*

Sunday, May 19, 2013

New YouTube Video...

I have done it again! I have made another YouTube video! Check it out! Also, if you have an Instagram, follow me. My username is scoliosis_fashion.

Ann Marie *>*

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

I'm On Instagram...

Hey guys I just started a new instagram account for scoliosis fashion. Its username is: scoliosis_fashion. Go check it out! I’ll be posting soon!

Ann Marie *>*


Yesterday my blog his 1,000 views! Yay! Thanks to everybody who has ever looked at my blog! It means a lot! Also, if you need to email me about anything, feel free! I love to email and give advice! I can be reached at any time! Seriously though. Any time.

Ann Marie *>*

Monday, May 13, 2013


So I finally had the means and the time to do this. And I had to tell myself a few times to stop being so lazy... But ANYWAYS here it is!

This is a skirt, blouse, and whatever those cover-up things are called all from American Eagle.
You might have to put a tank top under the blouse but over the brace (which I do for see-through shirts all the time) because it is see-through. But see here, I have learned a very important thing about people. They have literally no depth perception when it comes to seeing past your first layer of clothing. They don't look at the tank to you have on underneath that cute shirt.

Alright this is the same skirt but I put a sweater on instead. You can either go for the cute, calm, and collected (and usually nerdy look that I wear oh-so often) that I showed you above, or the more I don't care about anything! look. I don't know. I think you'd look cute wearing it. So if anyone ever says, "Ew what are you wearing?!" You can say, "A random girl in Ohio thinks I'm cute!" Not catchy, eh?

The third is just a pair of skinny jeans from American Eagle with a tank top under the shirt but over the brace (I'm just gonna call that my "under-over style") and a crop top from an awesome thrift shop called Plato's Closet in my area. That's literally the only place I shop anymore. You can get anything for under $15 at thrift shops that could be double to triple the price at the name brand stores. The great thing is, they take all the name brands. I've gotten American Eagle and Hollister stuff there for $10 or less! I got a shirt for $1 once!
P.S. YES I do sleep with stuffed animals, and lots and lots of pillows and blankets. Thank you for noticing. ;)
Ann Marie *>*

New Video...

I just made another YouTube video! Check me out!

Ann Marie *>*


Yeah okay guys, I just saw the most disgusting thing in my life! I just saw a picture of an Idiopathic Scoliosis surgery in process… I have been SCARRED! Wear your brace! You DO NOT want that to happen to you. Enough said.

Ann Marie *>*

Sunday, May 12, 2013

May Scoliosis Marathon...

Congrats! You’ve completed your Scoliosis Marathon! And the prize is… nothing. Anyways, I’m going to put all of my times in as one big post so here goes nothing!

Sunday: 32 minutes and 23 seconds

Monday: 14 minutes and 22 seconds

Tuesday: 2 hours, 23 minutes and 56 seconds

Wednesday: 1 hour, 14 minutes and 59 seconds

Thursday: 3 hours, 20 minutes and 43 seconds

Friday: 2 hours, 24 minutes and 47 seconds

Saturday: 2 hours, 58 minutes and 7 seconds

Ann Marie *>*

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Well Then...

Sorry I haven’t been on a lot. I kept telling myself, “You should probably update.” But then the other part of my brain was saying, “You know what you should also do? Eat.” Guess which side won? Yep that’s right! I had Frosted Animal Crackers! :3

Ann Marie *>*

Saturday, May 4, 2013


Make haste! Make haste! Tomorrow starts May’s Scoliosis Marathon! Pictures coming soon too! I’m going to take them tonight!

Ann Marie *>*