Sunday, April 7, 2013

YouTube Video...

So I know some of you might not exactly get my instructions on how to go to the bathroom, so I made a YouTube video! Check it out!

Ann Marie *>*


Ellen said...

Hey :) In your last post you mentioned that you couldn't figure out something about how to post pictures. I can try to help you with it because I've had similiar problems. I would e-mail you but I couldn't find it! So, if you have a blogger account all you have to do is...
1) Click the little picture button
2) Click browse
3) Find the image and open it up
4) Click add selected
Some reason for a few months whenever I opened the add a picture button there was no browse button but I forgot how I fixed it. You can try logging out and back in if that ever happens. Hope this helps!

Ann Marie said...

Thank you so much! I will try this tomorrow!
Ann Marie *>*